Databank of Official Statistics on Québec
A collaborative effort involving partner departments and agencies under the coordination of the Institut de la statistique du Québec

Social economy sector

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Social economy enterprises are democratically-run organizations that combine economic viability with social objectives, while responding to the needs of a community of members or users. This section contains publications, statistical tables and relevant links regarding the social economy sector. Two series of tables are presented. Tables produced by the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) are drawn from the publication L'économie sociale au Québec – Portrait statistique 2016. Tables produced by the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation (MEI) focus exclusively on non-financial cooperatives and are drawn from a database maint ained by the MEI. This database includes administrative and financial information on cooperatives incorporated under the Cooperatives Act (RLRQ, Chapter C-67.2). Cooperatives governed by the Act are required to transmit their annual reports to the Minister each year